
Too much more

Too much more avin a drink is pouring acid on liver Police are a stronghold of status quo The army, another dept involved in the invasion of other regions for the control of their resources also known as war Love Nationality : a consciously constructed distortion designed to apportion wealth among a fellowship Models : prostitutes for pimps called corporations; owners of artists who are tortured souls with a vehicle Black priests are supervisors of phase two in the industrialized manipulation of cheap labour and absolute psychological submission But black life gets spanked with semantics Good hair is paramount . But that's the one with so much toxic acid in it that it attacks lymph nodes , sends you bald and threatens cancer Even the labels black and white are devisive because they denote opposites and humans brains are flexible So flexible that mass marketing dominates our lives. Now I could tell you anything from you're ugly to , you need to bring out the innate beauty tha

man and woman

He takes ten minutes She takes an hour He's got more bollocks but she's got the power He is the muscle while she uses brain So if she kicks off he's supposed to take the reins but she wears the trousers and also the skirts He wears what she tells him and tells him it works such is the teamwork of woman and man The salt and the pepper the yin and the yang Depending on where you are born in the world Samoans raise the first boy as a girl In the Middle East and India females have to submit That's equality and democracy or ideologies full of shit Boadicea was a phenomena Amazons was a joke Thatcher was the alpha in a parliament of blokes where politics is patriarchal cause leadership's an art and international relations are always falling apart though most homes are matriarchal and that's where it all starts though hardly continues but most often ends and though living is learning we repeat the trend again and again and again and again

So many voices

  Sat, Aug 15, 2015, 2:34 PM There are so many voices frozen in the backlash of their heat                                                                                    so many reasons free to fly mindlessly even to the scorching heart of Raa   Her anger a beautiful hellfire of truth beyond parasites                                                                                      degrading its noble blade and rendering its thrust  insecure  with everyone  dragged into a merry go round of war where men shout and mothers wail and shamans hum  and hippies strum to the patchwork bass of bombs  leading the high pitched acoustic piercing of bullets arguing as   tears screech  clinging to trembling lips to crawl into broken mouths to drown in voices we built to climb on  The  poet  will submit a rhyme on the pyre and they would run a scythe on my tongue were I Marley or a Dylan  instead of a single voice among bleating billions  merely squealing under the screaming helium

thoughts of a blue collar

Thoughts of a blue collar see i was raised during the cold war when you weren't allowed to ignore the daily yes the daily threat of global carnage followed by extinction due to nuclear war from Truman to Nixon to Reagan Krushev Brezhnev then Gorbachev who stopped them as though he didnt acknowledge that global politics is a choreographed game that the top players play but none are meant to win so the whole world dropped him So 30 years later here's today's brief America leans on Ukraine so Russia invades them killing at will running over the hill Then in an international free for all ww3 looks tangible as another western investment called israel sends a warning to five million in a paradox of a prison called Palestine to head for the long grass doubling the arms sales for as long as this one lasts I was raised in the era of punk rock interpreting that if you punched a clock you were just stock cause draconionism was riding rough shod so it was created ad

Stagnation of evolution May 2024

  Were we immaculate The  Alpha and Omega Did we  s plinter from colliding neutron stars  like e phemeral  emissaries only to form a spawn of flawed organisms among algae to become the aqua amoeba that  seeped through the cracks  after some tectonic activity accidentally landing on the land and left stranded unable to turn back from some evolutionary equilibrium of  caribean amphibian and homo sapien Have we developed limbs and a spine and a mopped head containing enough hypo algorithmic access to correlate conciousness only to chronologically  stagnate then regress to now be ready to hybrid with artificial intelligence as though in spite of perpetual motion there's an orientation to self limitation oft honed in a mechanised preoccupation with mutual domination  In conclusion our counter evolution from nature to nurture took us from the analogy of translucent gods through the fission of incalculable deceit to complete submission to our own creations So so long to the proclivitles o

Glorious day

I just saw a 1.5 inch wasp or was it a bee in flight                                                                                                dancing the spring cusp                                                                                                                                       Playfully prodding me on how life could be if I were to be gravity free Harmoniously I felt this fresh bliss as light as that first kiss The one with the one  when I was falling head over before she left and I missed her and the fall hurt my head waking me in the bed ridden with the chill of love-less nights with portraits of premonitions overriding intuition in a placebo of dreams until this morning I woke to an antidote of hope It's simply that the  weather is the warmest since whenever Twenty-eight degree summer rays   illuminating the best of days Sky dyed an erotic hue of exotic blue and on cue Lucy in the sky with diamonds hallucinations sit too simply to just be simple Simon

Black is semantic

It's because you're black every-time that I don't react                                                                as though she's trying to beat me with it                                                                                  where before liberalism he could just beat me                                                                 because the fortuitous entity of Western law                                                                          with insurmountable tedium rendering you 3/4 human                                                            and your skin colour a badge                                                                                                        like Hitler's Jews with numbers to relieve angst by mistreating you.                                        With insurmountable tedium the only thing changing from intent is delivery                                         Maybe the intent has waned