Black is semantic

It's because you're black every-time that I don't react                                                                as though she's trying to beat me with it                                                                                  where before liberalism he could just beat me                                                                 because the fortuitous entity of Western law                                                                          with insurmountable tedium rendering you 3/4 human                                                            and your skin colour a badge                                                                                                        like Hitler's Jews with numbers to relieve angst by mistreating you.                                        With insurmountable tedium the only thing changing from intent is delivery                                       

Maybe the intent has waned                                                                                                      from stern reminders of status quo                                                                                              to weak attempts to try to elicit a semblance of one

Cosmetically , a 'yeah mun' might have evolved into a 'safe blood'                                          and it's been a while since someone's saddled their forearm beside mine                                  to provide kudos for their suntan

But subtlety is a filter of social politics                                                                                        so nobody is racist and proud anymore
They are pragmatists concerned with cultural strategies
Colleagues don't call you wog or jungle bunny anymore                                                              with the intention of putting you in your place 

They use buzzwords of association like 

'white privilege' 

and the overused 'jerk chicken'

browbeating you into a confined experience

Speculating your penis size is no longer dehumanising 

but fun and has to be

because the west has never resolved it's sexual insecurities

and to suggest that anything rhythmic to come from your mouth is a rap is not to stereotype

but to appreciate your natural aptitude. 


Then just like sport mixed up with your formidability with a crucial dilution of commerce 


you are entertainment and all it's by-products                                                                              

cos it can't be beaten and it won't be able annunciated 

so it's harnessed while time allows it 

and subversion means sensationalising you 

instead of being honest about themselves 

so 'black don't crack' 

really means western consumption habits and culture tend to visibly age caucasian westerners 

much quicker than melanated people.

'You lot are good dancers' usually means 'we don't know how to' 


The drugs burden is a fuel of suppression 

knowing the criminalised transportation of drugs needs mules, 

and traditionally you were called potential rapists 

cause the colour of your face is altogether convenient 

as in superbly expedient and supports the majority tribalism theme 

in all its banality


The white western family fed the feeling of a team 

in some induced self patronise ignited by the eyes fulfilling the instantaneous notion 

of other

insinuated by the pseudo descriptive words black and white

as distinctions couldn't be more polarised

when it's not physical fact

but it works on all the plebs as a catalyst for humanity distracted

with stabbing itself in the back


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