Stagnation of evolution May 2024

 Were we immaculate

The Alpha and Omega
Did we splinter from colliding neutron stars like ephemeral emissaries
only to form a spawn of flawed organisms
among algae

to become the aqua amoeba
that seeped through the cracks after some tectonic activity
accidentally landing on the land
and left stranded

unable to turn back
from some evolutionary equilibrium of  caribean amphibian
and homo sapien

Have we developed limbs
and a spine
and a mopped head
containing enough hypo algorithmic access to correlate conciousness

only to chronologically stagnate
then regress
to now be ready to hybrid with artificial intelligence as though
in spite of perpetual motion there's an orientation to self limitation
oft honed in a mechanised preoccupation with mutual domination 

In conclusion
our counter evolution from nature to nurture took us from the analogy of translucent gods
through the fission of incalculable deceit to complete submission to our own creations

so long to the proclivitles of deities
trending as adversaries
with alternative Adams and alternative Eves

and alternative Marys to breed alternative fairys
with an alternative story but same glory and dependence on repentance for redemption

Either way some lord made the earth in days with iron and oxygen
DNA of indestructible regeneration
An impeccable creation
inside a stratosphere of ozone that's turning into paste
due to our radioactive waste

During the daddy of primal wars
differing empires that had wisely enterprised as trading allies
ideologically compromised
evolving into the cold war
until the Berlin wall fell
re-opening the door
to republics galore
then let Putin get in
and it all relapsed
from a great leap forward
to 20 leaps back
to war games over Ukraine that threaten us since hydrogen tops molotovs
of citizens and underdogs
So for all our resolve the sun revolves
toward groundhog days
regenerating the stagnation
with nuance
like the ironic reflection of a swastika from India

From nurturing land to removing forests to grow soy to feed the animals that we eat.
From living with 336,000 species to killing 60 percent and alienating all but one
Selectively bred and imprisoned by a leash calibrating love
mankind doesn't mean man is kind
It means the man kind
That commodity of nature 
staking claim without shame
and audaciously translating that to power

Whose sisters and mothers and daughters are raised to perpetuate their own objectivity 
cause in all incredulity
we all call it liberty
and by lottery of geography could be murdered by police for exposing a bit of hair when only 50 years ago most of them didn't care

Their polarised peers politically permitted to evolve from crynolin floor sweeping duck ass dresses
and corsets that compressed the ribs and suppressed the chest
to g-string bikinis wedged between toxic butt fillers and plastic breasts

The reward for a fight for the right to choose

Their cousins
beaten from the age of seven
into counter intuitively
breaking their own toes
to fit into customised shoes
as condensed as the thousand year rivalry to  previous autonomy from the Tang dynasty
907 AD
Over 1000 years later China's recognised
as the latest empire over the neo colonised
without intervention let alone suprise
as it seems
that its their designated turn

While trend sets the west from spiritually broke to supposedly woke to find that after Emily Pankhurst , Martin Luther King, the hippy movement and everything
we're trudging towards a mirage of hope

staggering and falling then rising and trudging with the momentum and
staggering in the congestion and falling and rising

Did you hear the one about the human race ?
Yes it's a joke
exemplified by the current indoctrinating pop
Hip hop  !

Went from vibing community parties to independently adding academia
to the pedestal of liberation for debauchery and absurdity via commissaries

Though conversly some of you disturbed your ancestors when they overheard you singing the national anthem
from the viaducts neatly tucked into the science of society

so poetry
originally ingrained
unravelled and turned tail
like the prison guards breaking out of jail

and it wouldn't burn me
if I didnt see us as soldiers that should account for the sake of every step that's going to define every child's journey

The tragedy
that the big family called humanity weren't prepared with a plan B
meant stick and stones
limited to breaking bones were upgraded to gunpowder to nuclear
and MK ultra
whilst methodising advertising
was doused in the osmosis
that turned vietnam veterens into pan handling vermin

and in keeping with seeming to be sleeping
some subsequent charities serve depravities
for the likes of Saville
and ground operatives of that W.H.O that endorses its financiers vaccines
decades after smoking cigarettes went from a medical promotion
to health campaigns and doctors were bribed to conflict

before the salvation of vapes with extra poisons
marketed as healthier
like harvested foods chemically
preserved to the tune of a third
making somebody wealthier

Voices ignite choices
but collectivism via hand held televisions has also created transmisable isolationism
Intimacy gives way to intimating
making the synthetic iconic
So maybe we're already conceptually androids
or maybe just moronic

Adequate distractions are manufactured
so you will never have to go to the kitchen to make or transport your tea to the living room where you dont have to turn on the lights manually
or wash the cup
or wait for 9 o'clock to watch the news

or rotate a dial to make a phone call
or be around someone to talk to them
party with them
seek them out in a tiny cubby hole in an obscure part of this 510 million square km of blue planet
and kill him
with a bullet
the way they done Ghaddaffi
before we had world of warcraft


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