I of Adam

I of Adam

I am man 
and I am free 
Liberty my sanctuary 
The word my sword gaiety my vice 
Love is my guiding light 
Protestation my symphony 
Creativity plays the melody that lures me from the darkness 
where I defer my lurking fears 

I invite the benevolence of air completely 
The smell of the forest likes an evening lover 
for to really breathe this is treasure 
From she who my suckle and from he whom I am designed I confide
and all I bequeath to mine in turn For I am all of and merely man

Silence is my resting couch
I cradle in ambiance of solace feasting on unconditional delights 
and it makes of that which I am; harvest 
when we never know how deeply we can plough 
for we are not the rulers but the essence of earth among the flowers 
and we were created on the sixth day 

I hear the songs of men who were before me
I am touched by the joy of man that is boundless when laughter is born of the core 
where tears hovered as offerings in waiting

For the great design we bring forth children whose spirits will escape us 
whose aspirations are beyond us 
who will run with our blessings and our fears with devil may care until 
they become as we 
women and men

My food and my loves become me 
Earth she uses me as the sky uses stars 
I am no less than the earth and the earth is I

I am man 
in God, in plant, in element 
I walk, I rejoice, I cry twixt dawns and eves
and must as needs a stray cub, live 
I, the dream whose dreams fly like rustled leaves 
in the immeasurable realm of suns and moons 
I yearn for the pain of loving
and to taste the blood of our baptism


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