It's nearly over ain't it

It's nearly over ain't it

I really looked in the mirror when I saw you

your narrowing fingers

neck a fission of shallow valleys poured down to your collar bone

and splashed across the territory of your frame like wild forest roots

Ego stooped in its wilted star ship

And bumping into you at Sainsbury's supposed topics of who passed away last week and which of the old pack’s children met an unfortunate fate and who lost their minds when tarot cards of time dropped face up and how many out of focus ghosts who may have shared your school playground ought now in your chapter of delicate maintenance to know your acquaintance because all you are is all you ever were before you became who you've been but it's nearly over and scraping the barrel’s understandable

Ain't it

And where a pale horse grazes outside your dinner party memoirs are fermenting into obituary cause medical trips are precursor to them shovelling handfuls of soil on you with its gravity wrenching the strained ducts of your kids eyes

And after a few words they'll be moving on You've had your turn You've been and gone


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