His mantle, dubbed a bumbling buffoon who sees picaninies with watermelon smiles
His autocratic auto-chum a failing tv host with zero political record

and having paraded that his initials are NF like a princely peacock, ordained in fairy tail destiny
the Brexit king
A devout facistic chav whose true face is ever concealed under pro-media make up
Their counterparts are civil rights offending
Chinese and Russian leaders
Pre residual stains of the mark of the beast

Truth is forever as clear as your nose
What it needs is to be addressed
not exposed
but Trump defind quotas
saying he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and still not lose voters.

why should a leader give a fuck
when if it looks like a cunt its a cunt
I mean a duck

What it is
The metaphor ' the devil's smartest trick was to pretend that he didn't exist ' is legit exemplified in how blatantly our debauched pupeteers take the piss

Boris said ' I never want to be prime minister'
Trump ' make America great again'
when it never was
like 'we won the war'
when that's the preserve of Russia
while America helped fund the Germans
Maybe a cold war helped sell us the revision
as well as being a red herring to the Nazi's contribution from Britain

No-one wants to even acknowledge the name change from saxe coburg gotha or that the king in line is the stepdad of the red head benefactor. His predicted hand in the killing of said boy's mother by his mother
while the Christmas message from the queen is we should live within our means while Africa's vegetation feeds the west as they get to keep 7% at best
with periodic viruses
whose medical reports of eating monkeys brains are blatant
as contradictions of U.S patents

Topping it off is the beauty
Parasite pastors are the sentries on duty assured a superstar lifestyle based on commission
imploring the have nots to be less

With 400 years of simultaneously suppressing who they call blacks with dehumanising acts
the kk patriotic k have nothing to fear
Fraternity rituals lead to the finest careers
from commissioners to politicians to judges following the same biblical bile

They're so faithful
that the phrase from Obama's era is 'America's post racial'
and the shamefully pitiful plea black lives matter is countered with all lives matter
transferring the acknowledgment of features of genocide to an analogy of semantics
for if on trial
opt for denial
i.e pay gap
whats that ?
The temperature of the planet is the only thing that'll go up
so reduce sky news and promote the world cup

so when seasons contort by induced incest
the buffalo decreased
and suicides increased
we're weened on the pursuit of synthetic youth
Organic pathology personifies our truths

and that
'wont let you trick me twice ' device
wont suffice when stupidity is so compelling
They say nobody's that stupid but
we fight each other instead of fighting them
over and over again
ain’t that telling ?
It used to be just men

Now women and children make street fight videos
As if war ain’t enough stimulus
we're down to the microcosm of Jones vs Jones
People stab each other for their mobile phones

As elders it does bore us
watching every proceeding generation choked on the same converted chorus
Beware the blackies , pakis , muslims ,the Romanians ....
So susceptible to the rhythm of non communication
in the re-repetition of dress rehearsal
where the directors are as usual essentially inaccessible
Far from controversial

When the broken-hearted people
living in the world agree
there will be an answer
Let it be


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