Rude to god


Apparently I was rude to God

I didn't mean to be 
I was addressing you
The fact that you blame him instead of naming your gin 
and spokespeople beckoning the day of reckoning rehash the same pooh when that time misses its cue
Or is that déjà vu
The same nearly, caught in a loop 
in spite of the reaper's daily brush up but his offerings are the poor and that's who aids Ebola smallpox and the Zika virus coming soon to a screen near you are designed for 
Stock up on popcorn 
No adverts
Sponsors are pharmaceuticals  
dressed in God
who is everywhere
but never been seen
in any scene he created
since the first scene where the snake showed up but he didn't so who's garden was it 
And was Cane and Abel his blue print for brothers fighting so when there  were more men, tribes could fight tribes until nations coexist with nuclear deterrents ? 
 Well he oversaw all of it but didn't stop the progression , and we do keep on hearing that God has a plan 

Now if the snake was the anti Christ then how come Nero was born in 37AD and called himself a God
If the devil's smartest trick was to pretend he doesn't exist
maybe it's crucial that he's as elusive as licifer
So in Caligula's 1400 days of terror nobody knew if it was true that he was a God too
since he's never been seen so you wouldn't know unless you were the brush head of Michael Angelo 

Apparently Paul Moses and Mary heard him speak but that was transferred to Latin and then Greek and then so many times no one really knows what he said
History's largest empire was conquered  by Genghis khan . A man so preoccupied with violence that he's responsible for the rape and murder of up to 30% of the worlds  population at the time, pouring molten metal into children's eyes. He ordered the execution of 700,000 individuals in a single massacre. Today his face graces Mongolian currency. He's culturally adored even though women jumped off of castle walls when they heard that he and his rapist armies were coming.  Maybe they were plunging themselves into the hands of God cause Khan did always say
'God sent me '
If that's true what was God up to. 
You can see why that phrase goes 'Only God knows 

On the Day of our Lord Easter Sunday1457 Romanian prince Vlad 
invited all the competition of noblemen to dinner then impaled them all. You see he didn't need the fair weather loyalties . 500 people with 5 inch wide poles in the rectum. planted along the roadside like avenue trees. They'd take days to die  from the injuries or exposure. He had people buried alive and forced parents to eat their roasted children 
He invited the weak and the poor to a fake party then burned them all alive, 
He went to war against the Muslim Turks, nailing their delegates turbans to their heads
His business card for neighbouring military support was 23,884 severed noses cut from the faces of his enemies 
For them, his footprint was palace grounds of 20,000 impaled corpses with their bowels slithering down crude wooden poles which sent even sadistic rivals packing
But he represented the Christian front of Europe and to this day is seen as a hero, celebrated throughout 
Christendom for fighting Muslims even though the name Dracul is translated as 'devil'
Only God be the judge as they say. 
Good luck with that Oh great and merciful

It was The head of the church that encouraged Crown Prince Ivan to claim himself Czar because that's more glorious. When he lost his wife he lost his mind. He killed his own son in a domestic. Now you might say Marvin Gaye's dad did too but this guy used to boil people alive and you might say lots of people did that too but he also fried people and even if you think someone else did that too ,here's  something else
He heard a rumour: just a rumour that a nearby large city were sympathetic to enemies beyond the border . He had his militia rape, kill and torture the whole city 
Torture and beheadings were casual.
He commissioned the building of a cathedral. It was so beautiful that he blinded the architect so that he couldn't make another one elsewhere
They called him Ivan the terrible but he prayed every day taking orders from God so it follows that his best friend and confidant was the head of the church. He was so devoted that he scheduled his tortures and beheadings during mass 
500 years later , Stalin , the greatest mass murder of all time  felt that Ivan's story was crucial to Russian moral during the 2nd world war
And turned his life into folklore 
like El C ID

Sometimes you'd think for sure that God missed a corner somewhere. Maybe the dark rooms of aristocratic towers where the most powerful woman in Hungary tortured young peasant servant women
Not unusual for the time. Her husband doused a naked girl in honey and made her stand for a day at the behest of bees and ants
She upped it. She'd put a naked girl on frosted ground and pour water on her till she froze to the floor
She pinpricked and speared servant girls till they died, gorging in their blood. She bit off their flesh: fed them their flesh , burned them with molten metal
 After 30 years of this and 650 murdered women Elizabeth Bathory did three years house arrest  ; by the grace of god who is always 

Right on time . Though not for the Congolese You see, in 1901 king Leopold of Belgium was the shrewdest. He wanted a piece of pie Africa. He marketed himself as an industrialist yet paid a 90,000 strong army to force locals to draw rubber from trees by going into villages and holding their women to ransom
Those who didn't make a daily quota due to exhaustion had their right hands severed. Children too
Though Leopold never stepped foot on African soil in 1 day he had 1,308 hands severed . He had half of the population killed: 10 million people
Meanwhile he bribed journalists and senators to hide the truth for 20 years then the business started to die too 
His government found out and removed him but he kept all his profits 
God's gift, he must've thought. Where's God, the Congolese must've thought
as 90% of Africa sifted through Bibles into European coffers

Meanwhile a desperate Japanese economy thought they'd parasite their neighbours and under emperor Hirohito tens of millions of Chinese Indonesians Koreans Filipinos and Indochinese were killed. 10 million Chinese were  enslaved and tortured . Some hung by their tongues on iron hooks and used for bayonet practice. 
Though his office is responsible for the killing of twenty million Asians during the big war 
he will forever be known as son of heaven.  I was taught that that would be Jesus but nobody knew what he would return as. 

It says so in the book and in the song what if God was one of us
just a stranger on the bus 
Then Joseph Mengele might too be forgiven for thinking he had the God given right to constantly degrade the essence of life. To pour chemicals in the eyes of children , sew children's organs together, castrate children , gas them, by the thousands 
without anaesthetic 
without restriction
without guidelines 
without purpose
without mercy 
 But God said ' suffer little children to come unto me'
Though where do you find
the absent omnipresent 

Maybe he can't hear through all the sound piercing screams of
father why hast thou forsaken me in my hour of need a thousand times a thousand times 
when mother and I are dying of disease standing neck high in water full of fleas in 1976 when prime minister Poll Pot declared an official genocide on his people turning the whole country, Cambodia into the killing fields where his Khmer Rouge  established a utopia by annihilating anyone it wanted including people who simply wore glasses! killed men women and children by simply bleeding them

Father forgive them if they know not what they do but if this is your creation who'll forgive you
cause you weren't there 
or you don't care
or this is is that infamous laisses faire 

The free will to kill or be killed 
 for land ,honour ,freedom , greed or religion and victims just have to play their position so maybe you weren't misrepresented in the Spanish Inquisition
and if you're head of the Vatican you're leader of a gang
who fill the collection box with all the have nots have got cause they trust you
since you put some of us on Noah's Ark. You also put two wildebeest 

That you'd've helped the misplaced Hindus Muslims and Sikhs killing a million in Punjab
You're the guiding light that parted the sea to help the Israelites
That though your power fed thousands with five fish and two loaves of bread
When millions of peasants starved in Pyongyang in the 90s and Korea specifically prevented food aid from reaching the areas most devastated by food shortages in their own civil war , why didn't you bring a couple of baskets of fish. 

For the Amerindians that the Turks ordered to wipe out , starving them, marching them naked with heavy supplies to concentration camps. The whole male population of Angora exterminated in that hushed up genocide and I know you know cause you're all seeing 
you just don't seem to intervene

So Sadam had carte Blanche to rain nuclear acids on Kurds like boiled water on tea leaves 

Hiroshima's atomic bomb killed 78000 people in minutes 
A decade earlier the Hutu and Tutsis fought such an ugly war you'd think God turned his back the way the western allies reacted having created the conflict , manipulated it and watched the carnage of black on black
Their value per head exemplified by the need for a soundbite 'black lives matter' long after German General Lothar von Trotha wiped out some 100,000 native tribesmen in Namibia , securing Southwest Africa in 1907 in the first organized state genocide. Now surely the big man's on somebody's side
and we've been waiting for his son to return since his body disappeared  but he abandoned Cherokee to a Trail of Tears though red men honored the spirits as they breathed
And how could the Aborigine have the legal status of wild animals if we are all gods children
and in spite of 2 million slaves thrown into the sea some of those Africans think that being free is to praise him with so much devotion that they're praising their praising 

for Thine is the kingdom The power and the glory forever and ever
help me out
no pressure 
On average we have global peace every 126.8 years 
giving him time out to focus on prayers 
or clean the water in Flint
or feeding the hungry very easily because 50% of the world's food gets thrown away every God damned God given day and crop produce burns while people sell bags of baked clay dust to poor villages for food
And we have beef mountains instead of food fountains
but he doesn't seem to mind as no one can find him
People keep kneeling and staring upward but the sky is a collection of gases and those clouds are chem trails
Have you looked under a volcano since prayer moves mountains or might he be the oceans, sensitive around his Bermuda 
or sitting in the boardroom of planned parenthood 
We know only that we're looking for a him because no woman would treat women like subjugated citizens

If you see that guy ask him to pop in
Cause it's  been a fuck up since the original sin

Earth bleeds from a festival of madness
overseen by the all seeing as his name is a battle cry for peace
Will the alpha and omega pipe up and account to us


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