
Showing posts from October, 2020


    TALIBAN Vs USA   A: On September 11th, those fanatical Islamic fundamentalists murdered 5,000 civilians T: Since 1980 those sly Christian capitalists have been responsible for the systematic killing of 1.5 million of our people A: All men are created equal. We are created in the image of God and have freedom of choice T: WE ARE SERVANTS OF ALLAH. WE MUST RATIFY HIS WILL


  TOUGH ‘N TENDER   Love as an emotion is as free and virile as white water Love focused, owned Contains tangibility Its virility Like water in a balloon   Stretching as it grows Contorts and frightens its housing And its weight dominates   In its extremest tension The balloon bursts The love shatters, never to return   And the balloon is torn Never to be the same  


  Sometimes it's like sitting in a bracket Halted by a semi-colon Whilst waiting for a quaver   a trigger from the fringe to the bigger   A denominator sign provides the flat line upon which the larger number sits   For the equation; a catalyst As co-dependent as the smallest triplet   and so we add and subtract and divide and react Multiply and weigh rationalising all day   Amass! and substantiate while cars crash and earths quake for ours is not to be kept awake by the reaper’s calculated creep Eyes peeled to the pitch   when a full stop followed by a full stop followed by a full stop are naturally called suspension points   Still presuming each stairway ends we count like steps our years, and friends   and every accumulating right-angle   Incubates a miserable drama forming the circle


  I looked in the mirror and I saw this man he had a quest in his soul and a mirror in his hand


I'm gonna start a revolution in this town  About quarter past three towards midnight I'm gonna start a revolution I saw her try to smile at me   But she wasn't sure   Because she didn't know We're all scared  So I'm gonna start revolution   And bring the babies

Oh dear

  Oh dear I ate some mushrooms one day that lay untouched in the field and strolled into the city somewhat disorientated Everyone was clothed Strange


  WANDERING I sold my soul to fill my bowl with instant gratification And nothing controls more than the hold of carefree recreation No man’s land prepares a man


  IMAGE Someone took a photograph of me A mental photograph I was just standing there, and I felt it They freeze framed me using their built in flash Please God it was my best shot Did they get my good side?  Did they capture my superstar profile?


How did I get here? Pacifying myself with a mental picture of someone I hardly know They say Rome wasn't built in a day but the universe was created in an inkling The formula is a simple one  The deepest entities

A MOMENT in Miruwai

  The Sky;  it's kindest  fathered the gentlest air Smoke Ghostly sloth crawling assembling smoke forming

Spring commuting

  Spring commuting   Daylight A lounging base drizzle's ticklish rays Erotic spirits peak through camouflages of ray band black for when ghosts shed their skins the dance of fairies begins  


  Lesson   To err is human To forgive is to invite The opportunistic To go ballistic Only the second time_ calculatedly To complement the intrinsic

dear friend

Dear friend I saw you where you’d been on the other side of reality


The gods sent me to purgatory Where forever I would wait Waiting has become my fate   Throughout my racing my stillness and my moderation Purgatory was disguised as bait


    EPITAPH Here lies Joe blogs Who died                   but only thought                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ....... and then he died                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Poor fool …he didn’t   know

It's nearly over ain't it

It's nearly over ain't it I really looked in the mirror when I saw you your narrowing fingers neck a fission of shallow valleys poured down to your collar bone and splashed across the territory of your frame like wild forest roots Ego stooped in its wilted star ship And bumping into you at Sainsbury's supposed topics of who passed away last week and which of the old pack’s children met an unfortunate fate and who lost their minds when tarot cards of time dropped face up and how many out of focus ghosts who may have shared your school playground ought now in your chapter of delicate maintenance to

of seasons

There's decadence in the pollen Ambience in the rain and murder in the ice of the wind Leaves like molten hair hum quiet descent crimson and syrup colouring the poet's flame

I of Adam

I of Adam I am man  and I am free  Liberty my sanctuary  The word my sword gaiety my vice  Love is my guiding light  Protestation my symphony  Creativity plays the melody that lures me from the darkness  where I defer my lurking fears  I invite the benevolence of air completely  The smell of the forest likes an evening lover  for to really breathe this is treasure  From she who my suckle and from he whom I am designed I confide and all I bequeath to mine in turn For I am all of and merely man Silence is my resting couch I cradle in ambiance of solace feasting on unconditional delights  and it makes of that which I am; harvest  when we never know how deeply we can plough  for we are not the rulers but the essence of earth among the flowers  and we were created on the sixth day  I hear the songs of men who were before me I am touched by the joy of man that is boundless when laughter is born of the core  where tears hovered as offerings in waiting For the great design we bring forth child